Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Used to Have Hobbies

My mama taught me well... I used to cook and bake, sew and craft, create and decorate and I used to shop. Boy did I shop! Then Baby W came along and I no longer had time for these things. My craft room now resembles a storage room, my sewing machine is buried under stuff. My cookbooks are covered in a layer of dust and my cabinets are full of *gasp* covenience foods. Poor Mr. Fantastic had to eat a can of Chef Boyardee for lunch today because I was too busy to cook for him. What with a sick baby and all...

Good thing Baby W is such an amazing little creature! He makes it all okay!

Someday I will have time to do the things that *I* want to do. Someday I will once again cook a meal from scratch. One day I will have HOBBIES again! And maybe, just maybe, one day I will get to sleep through the night again!!!

I leave you with a picture of my little bebe...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Teething and Snot

You would never know it by looking at him but baby W is getting not one, but two teeth right now! He also is sick for the first time in his life. The poor thing has a cold. His only symptoms are a bit of a runny nose and a cough. He is still the sweetest, happiest little guy even though he has all of this ickiness going on. I heart him!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm Back!

I am back from vacation. Back to everyday life. AZ was fantastic and I hated to leave! We have many things going on in the next month-starting my Discovery Toys business, garage sale, first communions, birthdays, parties, etc. I am so excited for summer to get under way!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Look!

Check out my new blog look! Leslie over at Sweey Baby's Custom Blog Design created it. She does fabulous work! Go check out her site

Friday, April 8, 2011

I Need to go on a Diet...

This is me now:This is my new best friend:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Professional" Easter Pictures

Since we spent our entire life savings a lot of money on a new camera, we are now taking all of Baby W's milestone pictures ourselves. Here is a cute Easter picture that we took last weekend. I know it isn't perfect but I don't think we did too shabby of a job, being the novices that we are!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I must be crazy

Now that Baby W has hit the 6 month mark, I find myself thinking more and more about having another baby. I. must. be. insane. Baby W still doesn't sleep through the night. I rarely go anywhere without my mom along for back-up. Baby W takes up 97% of my time (and 46% of my sleep). Seriously, I need to have my head examined. But just look at how sweet he was as a newborn...

I miss that delicious newborn smell. I miss being able to sit and cuddle him for hours and stare at his adorable little face. I miss those teesy tiny little clothes.

(Just have to say... He is sweet as a 6 month old too.)

Also, don't tell Mr. Fantastic about this. It can be our little secret for now... Good thing he doesn't read this blog!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Huggies & Pampers Rewards

Did you know that both Huggies and Pampers offer rewards for buying their products? Even if you don't have a baby, you may want to sign up for these programs. They often have codes available to anyone. You can use google to find free codes or a deal blog (like I do) such as Coupons, Deals and More. The prizes are not just baby items, you can get all kinds of cool things!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Arizona Here I Come!

Baby W and I are hittin' the road and heading to AZ in a few days. I am SO DANG EXCITED!!! My mom is joining us and we are going out there to visit my aunt and uncle. They live close to us during the summer but head for warmer weather during the winter. I have never been there so I am way pumped! It will be 8 whole days of (less) responsibility=no cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. Woohoo! Baby W gets to go swimming in a pool for the first time and mommy gets to go shopping at a real mall! HEAVEN!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A (Hopefully) Grand Adventure!

I have embarked on a new adventure. I am now a Discovery Toys consultant! I am SO excited to be able to share these wonderful toys with other moms/kids. I grew up with these toys-my mom sold them once upon a time so I know how awesome they really are! If you are interested in seeing what I am talking about, visit my website: or email me for more info.